
Walk With Us

About Walking Softer

With eight billion people on the planet deserving a quality life, we must reinvent how we live - our endless cycle of hyper-consumption with a use, trash, repeat mentality must be challenged.

How we produce food, clothes, and consumer goods must evolve to be more sustainable. The same is true for transportation, construction, and energy production.

The time to reimagine how we produce and consume is now and the result will be the greatest opportunity ever known.

Walking Softer was founded to address our growing global pollution and consumption challenges and the unsustainable impact it is having on all societies and species. We are on a mission to inform, inspire, and support changemakers to take bold and immediate action in the conservation and regeneration of our planet.

Be the changemaker. Walk with us.


More Stories

Walking Softer Young Leaders Award recipient Sage Lenier is a climate activist, public speaker, and nonprofit leader. She got her start teaching her own program at UC Berkeley, which broke records for largest-ever student-led class.

Young Leaders Award Recipient Lauren Castelino is the founder of the Green Career Centre, where she prepares underrepresented youth for green careers. Over more than six years, Lauren has reached thousands of youth through developing environmental programs and sharing career development resources.

Young Leaders Award recipient Abhay Singh Sachal is a 22-year-old Canadian whose research and work reside at the intersection of climate justice, ecoanxiety, mental health, and spirituality.